No Conversions on Google Ads? Full 2024 List of Reasons and Fixes

You’ve created a Google Ads account for your business. Followed the step-by-step guide on how to create an ad campaign on Google Ads. Set a daily budget, and finally get to start running the Google Ads.

Weeks go by, only to find your Google Ads are not getting conversions.

If this is you, don’t worry, we’ve got you!

Here’s a full list of reasons why your Google Ads might not be converting, and how you can solve them.

1. It's too early

When you first launch a Google Ads campaign, it needs time to collect data and learn. This period, known as the algorithmic learning phase, allows Google’s machine learning to understand user behavior and optimize ad delivery.

During this time, conversions may be slow or nonexistent because the system is still gathering enough data to perform at its best.

How to solve:

Be patient. Give your campaign at least a few weeks to gather sufficient data. If you want to speed up the process, consider increasing your budget or broadening your targeting to reach a larger audience quickly. Monitor the campaign’s performance closely and adjust your settings as the data rolls in.

2. Unrealistic expectations

Sometimes, the issue isn’t that your ads aren’t converting but that they’re not converting at the rate you expected. It’s essential to benchmark your expectations against industry standards. For example, the average conversion rate across industries is around 7.26%, but this can vary significantly depending on the sector.

How to solve:

Check your industry’s average conversion rate and compare it to your current performance. Make sure your goals are realistic based on these benchmarks. If your conversion rate is below average, consider adjusting your strategy or refining your target audience.

3. Conversion tracking issues

If you’re seeing zero conversions, the problem might be with your conversion tracking setup. Incorrectly configured tracking can result in Google not recording your conversions, even if they are happening.

How to solve:

Double-check your conversion tracking setup. Make sure you’ve followed all the necessary steps, including placing the conversion tracking code on the correct pages and testing it to ensure it’s working. Use Google’s Tag Assistant to diagnose any issues and resolve them promptly. If you are unsure how schedule a call with Pillars Media for a Google Ads audit. 

4. Incorrect location targeting

Your ads may be shown to people who aren’t in the right geographic area. Google Ads’ location targeting settings are crucial, especially for local businesses. If your targeting is too broad or set to the wrong option, your ads might not be reaching your ideal customers.

How to solve:

Review your location settings. Google offers three options:

  • Presence or Interest: Targets people in, regularly in, or showing interest in your location.
  • Presence: Targets people who are physically in or regularly in your location.
  • Interest: Targets people searching for your location.

Choose the option that best suits your business. For most local businesses, selecting “Presence” is the best way to ensure you’re reaching potential customers in your area.

5. Seasonal variations

Sometimes, a drop in conversions isn’t due to anything you did but is simply a result of seasonal fluctuations. Different industries experience peaks and troughs at various times of the year, which can impact your conversion rates.

How to solve:

Analyze historical data to identify seasonal trends in your industry. Adjust your campaigns accordingly by increasing your budget during peak seasons and scaling back during slower periods. If your industry is currently in a downturn, you may need to wait it out while making smaller, data-driven adjustments.

6. Low budgets or bids

If your bids are too low, your ads may not be competitive enough to win auctions, resulting in fewer impressions and clicks. Alternatively, if your budget is too low, your ads might stop showing midway through the day, limiting your exposure.

How to solve:

Review your bid strategy and consider increasing your bids to be more competitive in auctions. Also, ensure your daily budget is sufficient to cover the entire day, especially during peak hours. Use the “Top-of-Page Bid” metric in Google Ads to gauge how much you need to bid to appear at the top of search results.

7. Poorly optimized landing pages

Your landing page is where the magic happens—where a click turns into a conversion. If your landing page is slow, unappealing, or irrelevant to the ad, users will bounce before completing the desired action.

How to solve:

Optimize your landing page by ensuring it’s fast, responsive, and directly related to your ad’s message. Include a strong headline, a clear call-to-action (CTA), and trust signals like reviews or testimonials. Regularly A/B test different elements of your landing page to continuously improve its performance.

8. Weak ad copy

If your ad copy isn’t compelling or doesn’t align with your audience’s needs, it can result in a low click-through rate (CTR) or irrelevant traffic. This means you may not be attracting the right people, or worse, you’re attracting the wrong ones who won’t convert.

How to solve:

Craft ad copy that speaks directly to your target audience. Use strong, benefit-focused language that highlights your unique selling proposition (USP). Incorporate keywords into your copy to ensure relevance, and don’t be afraid to pre-qualify your audience by mentioning price points or specific features.

9. Misaligned keyword intent

Your ads might be targeting keywords that don’t match the intent of your audience. For example, if you’re targeting informational keywords with ads meant for transactional purposes, you’re less likely to convert clicks into sales.

How to solve:

Refine your keyword strategy by focusing on commercial intent keywords—terms that indicate a user is ready to make a purchase or take action. Consider using long-tail keywords for more specific targeting and adjust your match types to ensure your ads appear for the most relevant searches. Regularly review your search terms report to add negative keywords and refine your targeting.

10. Low brand awareness

If users aren’t familiar with your brand, they may be hesitant to click on your ads, especially if they appear alongside well-known competitors. Low brand awareness can result in fewer clicks and, ultimately, fewer conversions.

How to solve:

Increase brand awareness by running multi-channel marketing campaigns. Consider using Google Display Network and social media platforms to introduce your brand to a wider audience. Use retargeting ads to re-engage users who have visited your site but didn’t convert. Over time, as your brand becomes more recognizable, your conversion rates will likely improve.


Google Ads can be a complex landscape, but understanding why your ads aren’t converting is the first step to turning things around. Whether it’s a matter of adjusting your budget, refining your targeting, or optimizing your landing pages, there are plenty of strategies to help you get back on track.

At Pillars Media, we specialize in helping businesses like yours navigate the intricacies of Google Ads. As a Google Ads agency based in Malaysia with global experience, we know what it takes to drive results.

If you’re struggling with your Google Ads campaigns, why not schedule a Google Ads audit with us? We’ll help you identify the issues and get your campaigns converting again.