When to Switch From Maximize Clicks to Maximize Conversions for Google Ads? – You Asked, We Answered

Switching from maximize clicks to maximize conversions

The rule of thumb for switching from maximize clicks to maximize conversions is when your Google Ads campaign has sufficient conversion data.

Understanding when to make this switch is crucial for getting the most out of your ad spend.

In this blog post, we’ll cover these topics to help you better understand when should you switch from maximize clicks to maximize conversions for your Google Ads:

  • Understanding maximize clicks and maximize conversions
  • When to switch from maximize clicks to maximize conversions for Google Ads?
  • Should you switch from maximize clicks to maximize conversions?

Understanding maximize clicks and maximize conversions

What is maximize clicks in Google Ads?

Maximize clicks is a bidding strategy designed to drive as much traffic as possible to your website within your set budget. The logic behind this approach is simple: Google’s algorithm will automatically set your bids to get the most clicks for your ads, aiming to increase the number of visits to your site.

This strategy is ideal when your goal is to increase awareness or generate a large volume of traffic, especially if you’re in the early stages of a campaign and need to gather data. Maximize clicks can be particularly useful for new businesses, product launches, or when you want to test different ad creatives and keywords.

What is maximize conversions in Google Ads?

Maximize conversions, on the other hand, is a bidding strategy focused on driving as many conversions as possible within your budget. Conversions could be anything from form submissions and sales to sign-ups, depending on what you define as a conversion.

Google’s algorithm uses historical data to predict which clicks are most likely to result in conversions. It then adjusts your bids accordingly, favoring clicks that are more likely to lead to the desired outcome. This strategy is typically more advanced and is best suited for campaigns with a clear conversion goal and sufficient data to inform the algorithm.

When to switch from maximize clicks to maximize conversions for Google Ads?

To properly use the maximize conversions bid strategy, you should first run your campaign using maximize clicks to drive as much traffic as possible to your website.

This approach allows you to gather crucial data on user behavior and how your ads are performing.

Typically, after running your campaign on maximize clicks for about 3-4 weeks, you should have accumulated enough data, including a decent number of conversions.

As a general rule of thumb, the algorithm needs at least 30 conversions to work effectively with the maximize conversions strategy. Once you’ve hit this threshold, it’s time to consider switching.

Switching to maximize conversions at this point allows Google’s algorithm to use the data it has gathered to optimize for actions that matter to your business, like purchases or sign-ups.

After a few months of running on max conversions, you might want to add a target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) at the campaign or ad group level to further refine your bidding strategy.

Should you switch from maximize clicks to maximize conversions?

As the saying goes: “It depends.”

Seriously, it really does depend on several factors, including your industry, target audience, market conditions, and campaign objectives.

If your industry is well-defined and your traffic is highly capable of converting, then maximize clicks might continue to work fine. On the other hand, if you’re seeing a lot of traffic but not enough conversions, switching to maximize conversions could be the right move.

Ultimately, if your budget allows, it’s worth testing both bidding strategies. Give each bidding strategy enough time to show results, conduct proper conversion and sales analysis, and then decide which works best for your business.

The key is to be flexible and data-driven in your approach.


Switching from maximize clicks to maximize conversions in Google Ads is a decision that should be based on data and your specific business goals.

Start with maximize clicks to gather traffic and insights, and then switch to maximize conversions once you have enough data to optimize for actual business outcomes.

At Pillars Media, we specialize in Google Ads management and have helped businesses both in Malaysia and globally achieve their advertising goals.

Schedule a Google Ads audit with us today and let’s optimize your campaign for success.

You Asked, We Answered

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